Carol Burnett’s counterfeit $20 sparks non-stop laughter

Imagine being at a bar, minding your business, when a simple counterfeit $20 bill turns your evening topsy-turvy. We’ve all watched countless video clips of hilarious skits from “The Carol Burnett Show,” but this one? Oh, it takes the cake!

In the heart of this comedic whirlwind, we find Carol Burnett, or Sally as she’s named here, innocently sipping her drink. What seems to be an ordinary day takes a curious turn when she converses with the unsuspecting gentleman beside her, played by the legendary Tim Conway.

Sally is in a dilemma: She has a counterfeit $20 bill and is unsure whether to hand it to the FBI or the bank. The advice she gets? Not quite what she expected. Conway warns her about the pitfalls of being too honest in his classic style. “Turn it into the bank? They’ll punch a hole in it, and you’ll be out of 20 bucks!” he exclaims. Oh, Tim!

However, the plot thickens. While Sally contemplates how to get rid of this dubious bill, our gentleman tries to lighten the mood with a joke or two. “Got any chip?” he jestingly asks the bartender, to which the ever-dry Harvey Korman replies, “No, just popcorn!”

But the real kicker comes when an unsuspecting Cop Kerrigan, played brilliantly by a guest artist, saunters in. Suddenly, that counterfeit $20 bill becomes hotter than a summer day in Texas!

What unfolds is a comedy of errors, with Sally, the gentleman, and the cop caught in mixed messages, sneaky exchanges, and a bit of sly trickery. At one point, to deflect from the counterfeit debacle, Sally innocently claims she just wanted four $5 bills for her $20. The ever-so-kind gentleman plays along, but let’s just say not all goes as planned.

During this money madness, enter the bartender, casting doubts and adding to the mayhem. But the twist, you wouldn’t see coming in a million years. Sally, the bartender, and Cop Kerrigan, or should we call him Salvator, are actually in cahoots!

With a box of money and a toast to their day’s “earnings,” they leave us in splits and admiration for their genius comedic timing. Now, we have watched this video clip more times than we can count, and every time, it leaves us laughing harder than before.

The effortless humor, the brilliant performances, and the unexpected twist are classic Carol Burnett gold! So, why should you share this clip? Nothing beats the joy of sharing a hearty laugh with friends and family, reminiscing about the good old days of classic comedy.

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Carol Burnett\'s counterfeit $20 sparks non-stop laughter

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