Sweet Dreams – 6 Adorable Pug Puppies Snooze And Snore In Unison

There is hardly any difference between human babies and animal babies. They both need a lot of care and attention. Like human babies, puppies also need a lot of sleep, and let’s face it: both puppies and babies are absolutely ADORABLE when they are sleeping.

That’s why I’m sure you’re going to love this. This video features a lovely moment where a litter of tiny little Pug puppies is sleeping alongside each other in a row. It is really very adorable!

There are six of them, and they are all merrily sleeping on their back without a care in the world. It is really cute when they twitch but don’t even move a muscle after that. I lost it when the tiny guy at the far left stuck his tongue out near the end! Don’t you just want to cuddle up next to them?!

Sweet Dreams – 6 Adorable Pug Puppies Snooze And Snore In Unison

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