Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors” could bring a tear to your eye

There are so many reasons why Dolly Parton is considered one of the best country music stars of all time. This sound indeed runs through Dolly’s blood, hailing from the birthplace of country music, East Tennessee.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

Her big blonde hair, beautiful vocals, guitar playing, fantastic charisma, and passionate songwriting are all aspects that have put her at the top of the charts for so many years.

In this video, she performed “Coat of Many Colors” live in 1983. When you listen closely to lyrics, you discover that it’s genuinely one of the most beautiful country songs ever written.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

Speaking about her upbringing in a rural town, Dolly Parton tells the story of the simplistic lifestyle that shaped her into who she is today—a beautiful, powerful, and commanding woman.

As many people in this country are, Dolly Parton grew up in poverty—and that is what this song is about. The “Coat of Many Colors” describes something more than what is heard at the surface level.

Image Credit: Madly Odd

Her mother sewed this coat out of wash rags to keep her warm in the cold weather. Although it’s a sign of poverty, Dolly Parton wears this coat with pride.

One of the reasons why Dolly Parton became so famous is her lyrics’ content. Singing songs about where she came from and being uplifting has been inspiring to people all over the country.

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Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors” could bring a tear to your eye

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