“Bridge Over Troubled Water” Gets Modern A Cappella Rendition From Home Free

If you don’t already know, a cappella is a music genre that has gained popularity over the last decade. It’s a style of music that uses only your voice to create the sounds of instruments. Two members of the famous group Home Free put an a cappella spin on “Bridge OVer Troubled Water.”

This is a classic song that’s all about getting through tough times. In order to make it to the other side of what you’re facing, you’ll need a good support system around you. Peter Hollens and Tim Foust use their incredible talent to sing this classic Simon and Garfunkel tune.

As soon as these two gentlemen begin to sing, you can instantly hear the talent they have bursting at the seams. Singing a cappella is a lot of work and takes plenty of vocal training to get the sounds just right.

“Bridge Over Troubled Water” can help you through just about anything. The lyrics remind you that you’re not alone when you’re facing something dark and daunting. We’ll be sure to put this version on repeat anytime we need a glimmer of hope.

“Bridge Over Troubled Water” Gets Modern A Cappella Rendition From Home Free

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