They Challenged Her To Try Limbo Blindfolded. Next Thing Will Make You Laugh Hysterically!

We love a good prank. And we know all of the classics: the giant fake spider, the rubber band on the faucet, the shaving cream wake-up call. But we love pranks like these that think outside of the box. Two comedians convince strangers to limbo blindfolded in the street, but it’s what they do next is what really leaves us laughing.

According to the YouTube Description- “From Norwegian comedy show «Karl Johan» – where the man in the street becomes the man of the hour. The show is recorded in the main street of the city of Oslo: Karl Johan’s gate.” I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did.

They Challenged Her To Try Limbo Blindfolded. Next Thing Will Make You Laugh Hysterically!

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