Newborn twins cuddle in bath as they did in the womb

Twins share a unique bond as they survive together in their mother’s womb and develop in unison. So, it is pretty obvious that they remain close to each other even after birth.

Newborn twins
Image Credit: Madly Odd

They would want to be close to their twins as this is the only thing they remember. One such adorable newborn twin received a unique bath by a specialized nurse Sonia Rochel.

Sonia Rochel was a maternity nurse in Paris, France. She gave the Thalasso Baby bath that was first developed by her. The twin baby boy and girl enjoyed a refreshing bath in the nurse’s hands and reacted to the water as if they were in the womb again.

Newborn twins
Image Credit: Madly Odd

The babies would not let go of each other and held each other’s hands throughout the entire bathing experience. Sonia had invented this fascinating technique to give a relaxing bath to newborn babies.

She kept the running water over the babies’ heads. The mouths and noses remained above water so that the newborn babies could breathe without any problem. The running water made the babies feel comfortable as if they were inside their mother’s womb.

Newborn twins
Image Credit: Madly Odd

Sonia had tried this technique on several babies. She noticed that as soon as the babies felt the water, they would act like they were in their mother’s womb. It was a new opportunity for the twins to hold each other once again, which they did not want to miss.

Sonia mentioned to her online followers that the technique is only restricted to babies till 2 months and even warned the parents not to imitate the procedure on their own at home.

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Newborn twins cuddle in bath as they did in the womb

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